You may find the process of selling your Glasgow home a little daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. There are many important steps to be considered, and timing can be an issue, especially now with lockdown restrictions adding extra uncertainty. We’ve compiled a short guide to make sure you’re ticking all the boxes.
Step 1: Get in touch with a solicitor
Property buying and selling in Scotland is a little different. The first step is usually to contact a solicitor who is a member of Solicitors and Property Centres, who can then simultaneously act as your estate agent. Have a conversation with a solicitor in your area to see what legal and marketing tasks they can undertake on your behalf. They’ll be able to guide you with all the legal details, including negotiating a price, signing important documents, and keeping in contact with your buyer’s solicitor.
A solicitor will also draw up the relevant contracts and make sure they’re conveyed through a series of missives or legal letters. Once the relevant searches and checks are performed, a sale date can be finalised and then confirmed on the land register. Finally, a good surveyor will also help you sort out various land taxes (called stamp duty in England and Wales). Conveyancing fees vary, and will of course depend on whether you’re buying a house at the same time as selling one. The entire process can take up to 9 weeks.
Step 2: Give your home a makeover
While your solicitor is managing the legal details for you, it’s a good opportunity to get your house in order, quite literally. Your solicitor or estate agent will be responsible for marketing your property with listings and advertisements, but it’s up to you to make your home look as good as it possibly can. Since you’ll be moving anyway, take the opportunity to give your home a deep clean and start decluttering – the sooner the better. A neat, clean home makes all the difference in viewings, plus you’ll have much less to pack up when it’s time to move.
Now is also the chance to tackle any bigger repairs or renovations that would put your home in the best light. While you don’t need to invest in massive changes, do spare a thought for minor repairs and fix little things that buyers will notice. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot to make a big impact: clean discoloured tile grout, remove limescale buildup, give the walls a fresh lick of paint and mow the lawn.
Step 3: Don’t forget to get a home report or home survey
A home report in Glasgow actually consists of several documents: an energy performance certificate, a single survey and a property questionnaire. The intention is that these documents give your potential buyer a good idea of the current condition of the property, and things like its energy efficiency. The seller pays for this survey, but clarity in this area is for everyone’s benefit: you will feel confident in what you are offering buyers and there will be fewer misunderstandings or disputes later on. One great thing about getting your home survey done ASAP is that you can include its findings in marketing material or even use the recommendations to improve your home’s value and attract a sale more quickly.
Step 4: Shop around for movers
Though it may seem like it takes forever, the selling process can go pretty quickly once initiated. However, once the sale is finalized, selecting the right moving company shouldn’t be an afterthought – after all, you’ll be entrusting all your worldly belongings to them! Take your time to shop around for quotes and read reviews to compare prices and services. The sooner you have your movers booked and arranged, the less stress you’ll have, and you can sit back and relax on moving day, knowing that things are taken care of.
Moving is stressful for anyone, so make sure you have enough time on the day to have everything properly packed. Box what you can early on so that you’re not left doing it all at the last moment, and make sure you’re packing according to room. Spend a little extra for protective packaging, including “fragile” stickers and enough tape and markers, and make sure you don’t have anything stressful planned for the week after the move. Finally, one great tip to improve the Glasgow moving experience is to pack a small box of “essentials” like a kettle, some tea and a few biscuits. This way, you’ll have a little comfort the moment you move into your new home.